The Cammino Basiliano Association Ets
Where nature nurtures the spirit
Associazione Cammino Basiliano Ets
Via Coriolano 1
88054 Sersale (CZ)
Codice Fiscale: 97101340798
to send materials
For information and bookings you can contact specific reference guides for each stage.
Stages 01 to 11
Emanuele Pisarra +39 333 8732829
Stages 12 to 18
Flaviano Lavia +39 339 5290644, +39 0983 522331
and Domenico Flotta +39 380 7948403
Stage 19
Flaviano Lavia +39 339 5290644, +39 0983 522331,
Domenico Flotta +39 380 7948403
and Alessandro Frontera +39 340 3663376
Stage 20 and 21
Antonio Biafora +39 328 1193312
and Alessandro Frontera +39 340 3663376
Stages 22 to 24
Pietro Astorino +39 320 3882717
and Antonello Martino +39 347 9131310
Stage 25 and 26
Giovanni Vizza 320/8292222
Stages 27 and 28
Pietro Astorino +39 320 3882717
and Antonello Martino +39 347 9131310
Stage 29
Giovanni Vizza +39 320 8292222
Stage 30 and 31
Emiliano Cistaro +39 324 8790055
Stage 32 and 33
Pappalardo Alfonso +39 333 3908012
Stages 34 to 40
Marco Garcea +39 347 8051252
Stages 41 to 44
Gabriel Figliuzzi +39 339 7125954
Stage 45 and 46
Guerino Nisticò +39 338 4709111
Stage 47
Guerino Nisticò +39 338 4709111
and Pasquale Peronace +39 347 3015903
Stage 48
Gabriel Figliuzzi +39 339 7125954
Stages 49 to 54
Giorgio Pascolo +39 327 0007533
and Emanuele Valenti +39 333 8205164
Tappe da 55 a 57
Mauro Rocca +39 320 0333351, +39 0964 390054
and Arturo Rocca +39 388 6586067, +39 0964 390054
Stage 58 and 59
Ass. Il Boschetto Fiorito – Nicola Pelle +39 320 7564901
Stages 60 to 62
Nunzio Mileto +39 347 6918660
Stages 63 to 69
Giuseppe Battaglia +39 339 4021274
Noemi Evoli +39 388 8610184
Angelo Frangipani +39 3479084316
Antonio Frangipani +39 340 2458208
Andrea Laurenzano Coop. San Leo +39 347 3046799
Mario Giuseppe Petrulli +39 340 7224018
Stages 70 to72
Demetrio D’Arrigo +39 347 6476347
Stage 73
Mauro Rocca +39 320 0333351
Stage 74
Antonio Ielpo +39 339 3154816
Giuseppe Cosenza +39 347 2631462
Stage 75
Andrea Vacchiano – tel. +39 348 2745771
Giuseppe Cosenza – tel. +39 347 2631462
Pino Di Tomaso – tel. +39 349 8758417
Iole Esposito – tel. +39 0973 661331; +39 388 6927934
Stage 76
Adalberto Corraro – tel. +39 0973 665033; +39 349 2176398
Luigi Poerio – tel. +39 327 0139522
Rita Tedesco – tel. +39 0973 664247; +39 368 3577657
Stage 77
Giuseppe Cosenza – tel. +39 347 2631462
Pino Di Tomaso – tel. +39 349 8758417
Iole Esposito – tel. +39 0973 661331; +39 388 6927934
Stage 78 and 79
Pasquale Larocca – tel. +39 349 7561374; +39 340 7199850
Domenico Bruno – tel. +39 0973 93473; +39 349 4917189
Antonio Miraglia – tel. +39 0973 93407; +39 347 8690093
Mario Salerno – tel. +39 0973 95059; +39 347 6993880
Stage 80
Emanuele Pisarra – tel. +39 333 8732829
Stage 81
Pasquale Larocca – tel. +39 349 7561374; +39 340 7199850
Domenico Bruno – tel. +39 0973 93473; +39 349 4917189
Antonio Miraglia – tel. +39 0973 93407; +39 347 8690093
Mario Salerno – tel. +39 0973 95059; +39 347 6993880
Stages 82 and 83
Marco Garcea +39 347 8051252
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